Scott Brown to NH: I thought about you every minute.

MidwestMapTrucksAnimI hear you asking, NH, what’s a good old “9 generations in NH,” born-in-Maine, grew up in MA fella like Scott Brown doing in Iowa, Minnesota, and the Dakotas?

Well, Scott Brown was just basically testing name recognition — it’s great in the Dakotas, by the way, where just about everybody already knows somebody named either “Scott” or “Brown.”

Scott Brown was chatting up Minnesota voters because, in Fergus Falls, they see me on Fox all the time. That’s pretty impressive, because I’m not on all that often. I’d be glad to do more, Fox News, hint hint, are you listening to me?

And as for Iowa, well, Scott Brown wanted to try the corn dogs, and it turns out my wife is from there, honest, I swear it.

And while we’re on the subject, NH, I want to apologize, sincerely and deeply, for Karl Rove calling you my “dirty little secret.” I respect you, NH, I swear it by all that’s holy and also by my green pickup truck. So please don’t forget that I’d be a great NH Senator, because, I promise you, I’m not forgetting.