Million-dollar Florida fly-by

FloridaDollarsLook–Florida–free money flying everywhere! What could go wrong?

This could not have imploded more,” says poli-sci prof of the mystery Florida company that paid Scott Brown a million-plus dollars in stock options for some advice, supposedly based on due diligence.

But hey, with a name like “Global Digital Solutions, Inc.” what could possibly go wrong? I mean, when a NJ beauty-product company morphs into a California wireless data firm and then into a Florida firearms company, due diligence would take a lot of important brain cycles away from the lifestyle of any professional nude model. And “bqhatevr” seems a much better attitude.

Could not have imploded more? I think Mr. Poli Sci Prof is seriously underestimating Scott Brown’s future potential.

Don’t blame the GOP, blame everyone!

1941: kittens with Joan Caulfield

Blame everyone! Blame the kittens!

Who is to blame for the government shutdown? President Obama would like you to blame Republicans. No way! Just because Republicans planned, organized, and executed the shutdown, you say we should blame them? Scott Brown says we should blame Obama instead, and (just to boost my bipartisan cred here) we should blame everyone. Everybody’s to blame.

Blame Obama. Blame Democrats for not caving on every issue to the Tea Party. Blame the voters who cast millions more votes for Obama than for Romney. Everybody’s to blame. Kittens are to blame. You want to blame the GOP, next thing you’ll be telling me kittens are all so innocent. You and I know who made a big stinky mess in the cat box. It wasn’t Ted Cruz.

Maybe kittens didn’t organize this shutdown, but they could have done a lot more to get our country back on track, couldn’t they. So don’t blame the GOP. Scott Brown says, everybody’s to blame.

Scott Brown to NH: I thought about you every minute.

MidwestMapTrucksAnimI hear you asking, NH, what’s a good old “9 generations in NH,” born-in-Maine, grew up in MA fella like Scott Brown doing in Iowa, Minnesota, and the Dakotas?

Well, Scott Brown was just basically testing name recognition — it’s great in the Dakotas, by the way, where just about everybody already knows somebody named either “Scott” or “Brown.”

Scott Brown was chatting up Minnesota voters because, in Fergus Falls, they see me on Fox all the time. That’s pretty impressive, because I’m not on all that often. I’d be glad to do more, Fox News, hint hint, are you listening to me?

And as for Iowa, well, Scott Brown wanted to try the corn dogs, and it turns out my wife is from there, honest, I swear it.

And while we’re on the subject, NH, I want to apologize, sincerely and deeply, for Karl Rove calling you my “dirty little secret.” I respect you, NH, I swear it by all that’s holy and also by my green pickup truck. So please don’t forget that I’d be a great NH Senator, because, I promise you, I’m not forgetting.

On beyond 9 generations in NH

NH, I know you’ve been hearing stories about me running around with other states this past week. I can explain everything, if you’ll just let me.

When a MA Republican like Scott Brown loves a little northern state very very much, so much so that he buys an expensive vacation home there and starts talking about having “9 generations” there, that doesn’t mean it’s time for the little northern state to start shopping for china patterns or picking out diamonds.

NH, much as I love and respect your folksy ways, we never said we wouldn’t see other people. Keeping our options open will only make our relationship better, when we end up together, if that’s what the future holds. I want only what’s best for you, NH, so even though my heart breaks just a little every time I hear about you and some other Senate candidate (Jeb Bradley?? What were you thinking?), I will be thinking of you all the time I am eating corn dogs in Iowa or chatting up voters in Minnesota or marveling at my name recognition in the Dakotas or keeping my options open for #MAGOV.

Because in my heart, NH, it’s about just you and me.

Who asked Newt to rain on Scott Brown’s parade?

Newt Gingrich joined the steady trickle of establishment Republicans trying to push Scott Brown away from his “NH roots” such as those NH roots may turn out to be.

“Once you’ve been the senator from a state, that pretty much identifies you as being from that state,” Gingrich told the Boston Herald. Hey, pal, what made you an authority on NH? Was it your humiliating loss in the 2012 NH Primary despite the endorsement of Union Leader? One thing you have to say about Scott Brown — he hasn’t yet suffered a big expensive loss in the NH GOP Presidential primaries.

More #NH cred than you have, pal!

Take that, Dean Barker! #nhpolitics

Don’t call him a #copterbagger this time, Dean, because on August 9 Scott Brown drove his famous truck up to NH from his home in MA.

That was one of the major clues to Scott Brown’s intentions to run (or not) for US Senate from his August 9 appearance at a GOP fundraiser in Salem, MA. Brown’s pick-up truck got mentioned first, before anything else, by Brown’s introducer, as well it might be since it seems to be an important qualification for getting your vote.

Brown told the “Restoring Trust in Government” event that “I’m nine generations in NH,” referring perhaps to his family summer place at Rye Beach. (According to Wikipedia, Scott Brown was born in Maine and spent childhood summers in Newburyport, MA, where his father was City Councilor for 18 years — but who’s counting?)

According to the Salem, NH Patch, Brown’s prominence in discussions of NH politics is a sign of the “the short bench of possible Republicans” to run against Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)  in 2014. Jeb Bradley may not be happy with that assessment.

Time will tell, but one thing seems to be certain … the wheels of the famous pickup truck are greased and ready.Map of NH w animated pickup truck