Million-dollar Florida fly-by

FloridaDollarsLook–Florida–free money flying everywhere! What could go wrong?

This could not have imploded more,” says poli-sci prof of the mystery Florida company that paid Scott Brown a million-plus dollars in stock options for some advice, supposedly based on due diligence.

But hey, with a name like “Global Digital Solutions, Inc.” what could possibly go wrong? I mean, when a NJ beauty-product company morphs into a California wireless data firm and then into a Florida firearms company, due diligence would take a lot of important brain cycles away from the lifestyle of any professional nude model. And “bqhatevr” seems a much better attitude.

Could not have imploded more? I think Mr. Poli Sci Prof is seriously underestimating Scott Brown’s future potential.

Don’t blame the GOP, blame everyone!

1941: kittens with Joan Caulfield

Blame everyone! Blame the kittens!

Who is to blame for the government shutdown? President Obama would like you to blame Republicans. No way! Just because Republicans planned, organized, and executed the shutdown, you say we should blame them? Scott Brown says we should blame Obama instead, and (just to boost my bipartisan cred here) we should blame everyone. Everybody’s to blame.

Blame Obama. Blame Democrats for not caving on every issue to the Tea Party. Blame the voters who cast millions more votes for Obama than for Romney. Everybody’s to blame. Kittens are to blame. You want to blame the GOP, next thing you’ll be telling me kittens are all so innocent. You and I know who made a big stinky mess in the cat box. It wasn’t Ted Cruz.

Maybe kittens didn’t organize this shutdown, but they could have done a lot more to get our country back on track, couldn’t they. So don’t blame the GOP. Scott Brown says, everybody’s to blame.